The Impact of pH On Corrosion Rate in Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery (EAOR) Application




Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery, Listrik, Laju Korosi, pH


Corrosion is a common problem that occurred in oil and gas fi eld. In operating the well, the possibilities for pH changes is very high that could give a very dangerous impact to the corrosion. In the conventional well, pH will give an impact to the corrosion rate in a specifi c trend.

As one of the new method in enhancing the oil production, Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery (EAOR) could give a promising result. However, the existence of electricity in this method could worsen the corrosion condition in a well. Therefore, this paper will make a research to determine the impact of pH in an EAOR well. This study is supported by a case study on oil fi eld that use EAOR method in Indonesia. The case is having 8 pair wells which contains of 8 cathodes and 5 anodes. To observe the eff ect of pH, a sensitivity analysis is conducted with pH values ranging between 6.5 – 8.0. The result shows that there also an impact from pH to the corrosion rate in EAOR well but it shows a diff erent pattern.

Author Biography

Anthony Jaya, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Currently, I work as Junior Corrosion Engineer at PT. LAPI ITB, but I have a big interest in Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) technology.


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How to Cite

Jaya, A. (2021). The Impact of pH On Corrosion Rate in Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery (EAOR) Application. Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom, 3(1), 11–20.